Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Close encounters of the cool kind

Two things happened today. My supervisor came back after 8 months, chemo-radio finished tumour blasted, looking as chilled out and ice-blonde as ever, padding around in customary ghostly fashion in the usual kurti-drawstrings-socks-sandals ensemble. Suddenly things are looking up. I just wish the bloody woman had kept everybody in the loop, instead of vanishing without a trace with no return address or number. Gah and double gah. I mean, for fuck's sake, I thought she was fricking dead.

High on this and engrossed in Paul Theroux's The Happy Isles of Oceania, I was leaning against a post outside King's Cross Station waiting for either the No. 45 or 46, when a Black Cab stopped right in front of me and a man hopped out. I looked up absently and behold! a certain Nobel Prize winning economist stood hardly 3 feet from me.

Needless to say, I stared. I caught his eye (not that he had a choice, my mouth was probably open and I was plonked right between him and the station).

I am happy to say, my dear readers, that my courtesy did not desert me. I dipped my head gravely, smiled and said "Hello".

So did he:-D!!

Amartya Sen was last spotted wearing a black mac and carrying a (was it brown?) leather suitcase, hurrying into King's Cross Overground Station at around 1830 GMT.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ahaha.. The last time any stranger(s)-I-should've-known were 3 ft from me was when this SUV came and stopped right next to my car. The people in front of me started turning and looking back. A ripple of excitement went down the street. Phone cameras flew out. People came running from all directions to take autographs. While I sat there wondering what all the fuss was about, about these two guys sitting barely an arms length away from me. Turned out they were Indian cricketers, who'd arrived home earlier that day to a heroes' welcome after their 2007 ICC World Twenty20 win.

And you recognised Sen instantly. Très bien! :)


Thursday, April 30, 2009  
Blogger nevermind said...

That must have been fun. No crowds for Sen, of course. And Merci Beaucoup:)

Monday, May 04, 2009  

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