Thursday, August 21, 2008

Out of the sand

Maintaining this blog was a fraught affair for a long time. And in more ways than one. Which meant that writing it was an ambivalent exercise at best and a guilty pleasure at worst. However, these past months have been an exercise in dramatic, daily change. From Buddhist meditation to the sheer flush-faced endorphin-drunk joy of long runs through London at dusk to 2 new jobs to cooking a meal for family estranged for many years (no longer!) and managing the house alone for the first time ever (mad!), to re-connecting with many old friends and following another's Indo-Nordic wedding with much delight, to rediscovering old relationships and cementing new ones.... I am coping. Just about. But it's fun, hey. And I am as surprised at my own capacity for change as everyone else in my life. Now I just need to figure out a way to sleep for at least 7 hrs a day. The wilful sleep-deprivation all this gung-ho adaptation has entailed is not all that much fun.

But this blog is also an old friend, which in turn, is full of old friends, some of whom I know, the rest of whom I don't. I regret not knowing the ones who have stopped blogging and am suddenly aware that life is short and one connects with people but rarely. And for someone so grimly private for so long, I have begun to realize that there are drawbacks to privacy after all. So here it is, same old stuff, on slightly altered pages, here in black and white and there in white and blue. Here's to happy, carefree, uncluttered, un-ambivalent blogging!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey, that's a surprise! Thought you'd signed off, as both N and M seem to have.

Alls well, thanks. Hope things have been good at your end too, changes and all.

[And for someone so grimly private for so long, I have begun to realize that there are drawbacks to privacy after all.]

A familiar sentiment. Have found myself thinking about this, and taking an experimental step or two (something as simple as you did adding the email id, for example)... but overall, privacy still wins, hands down.


Shehzad Noorani's pics: Enjoyed them? They were rather gut wrenching for me.

Sunday, August 24, 2008  
Blogger nevermind said...

Hey, N, I am, as you can see, progressively losing my manners;) Sorry for the silence, wholly unintended. Yes, privacy wins always, I unequivocally agree. Gut wrenching is not easy to convey, and it takes rare artistic power to do that, no? And perhaps art of such quality is enjoyable for art's sake, what d'you think? Gut wrenching it is, still, and profoundly disturbing. But fine pictures those. Just appreciating that bit.

Monday, September 22, 2008  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I agree with you there, about the quality of SN's photography.
And about the first bit: well, I'd just say that you do take your time. :)


Thursday, September 25, 2008  

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