Wednesday, February 07, 2007

The lost page

There will be no more slips of the tongue. The stranger who dropped in to say hi, with a smile that lifted lazily up from the greeting like steam from a cup of tea, the one with strangely shared reading habits, who spoke of shared winters and long drives north, and of instincts trained to empathize, has decided to quit.

It's none of my business, but I worry just a bit. Not because the blog's gone, but because the circumstances were fraught. And oddly, because it's my job to worry. And selfishly, I wonder, who'll talk diagnostic manuals with me every now and again:-)? And will there be someone else with the same shared 'professional' interests?

But you'll still drop in every now and again, right:-)? Dianne? And if you don't, maybe we'll talk again. Somewhere, sometime, just maybe. Good luck until then.
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